The Impact of "Against Trump"

Dear Friend,

Last week, I wrote you a note of sincere appreciation for your generous support of National Review's publication of our "Against Trump" editorial and related symposium. NR's bold and intelligent stand against the seeming Trump juggernaut created a massive stir in the media.

And, evidently, among Iowa voters.

The last few days, Rich Lowry and I and our colleagues have received numerous calls, e-mails, tweets, and the like, commending us for publishing "Against Trump," and for its impact on the Iowa caucuses.

When we published "Against Trump," many talking heads, including many who self-identify as conservatives, castigated NR and the editorial, and even derided us as a failing institution - taking their cue from the Donald himself, who referred to National Review as a "dying, dying paper."

Friends, we have been "dying, dying" for 60 years. And we intend to keep on dying for another 60. And as we die, we shall stand athwart history, yelling "stop!" - whether we are yelling it at multicultural social engineers, leftist bureaucrats, Communist tyrants, or, as Bill Buckley described Trump, a "narcissist" presidential contender whose political triumphs would do great harm to the conservative principles we espouse.

Unsolicited, hundreds of people took out National Review subscriptions as a show of support and admiration for our "Against Trump" stand. Unsolicited, nearly a thousand made financial contributions to NR. We deeply and profoundly appreciate this outpouring.

But now I will gently solicit.

If you believe National Review stood tall for conservatism when our principles needed it, if you believe that National Review's "Against Trump" effort severely dented The Donald's armor, if you believe that National Review embraced its fundamental Buckley-created role in the way you hope and expect it would, then I ask you: Please consider chipping in to support our enterprise.

It's no secret: As a serious opinion magazine, we indeed have financial challenges, and always have. But for 60 years, good people such as yourself, who understand that National Review is a magazine and yet more, that it is a website, and yet more . . . you understand that NR is a cause, meant for High Noon, meant for the moment when men's souls are tried, when sunshine patriots are nowhere to be found.

National Review and its editors are always to be found atop the battlements fighting for principle. The fight for our principles is not over in this primary race. But if you believed it was important for NR to be Against Trump, I hope you believe it is important to be For NR.

Would you consider showing your camaraderie with and support for NR by making a contribution? I ask and hope so, humbly.

Many thanks,

Jack Fowler



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