The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

The Daily Signal
Feb. 22, 2016
Happy Monday from the nation's capital, where Senate Republicans face pressure to "let the people decide" on a new president to nominate Antonin Scalia's successor on the Supreme Court. Kelsey Harkness has that story. A liberal, legal scholars tell Josh Siegel, could undo six major decisions. Liberalism today is about power, Kim Holmes writes. Plus: The danger of Obama's concessions to Cuba, the urgency of keeping chemical weapons from ISIS, and why this Marine says she opposes a draft for women.

The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

Liberalism is no longer mainly about ideas. It is about power—as in who has it and who doesn't.

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No, Women Should Not Be Included in the Draft

Jude Eden, a woman who has served in the Marines, writes that women draft advocates "have made the demonstrably false claim that women are physically capable of anything military men are."

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Can the GOP Stay United on Strategy to Fight Obama's Supreme Court Nominee?

The fight over the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court is spilling over into a second week, with most Senate Republicans uniting around the idea that the American people should be left to decide the future fate of the high court.

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The Growing Threat of ISIS Unleashing a Weapon of Mass Destruction

The disappearance of 10 grams of a "highly dangerous" radioactive isotope used to test oil and gas pipelines in southern Iraq was reported recently. Iraqi authorities fear that it may have fallen into the hands of ISIS.

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6 Supreme Court Rulings That Could Be Overturned if a Liberal Replaced Scalia

A move from Antonin Scalia, a staunch conservative, to a liberal would be the largest ideological shift in the court since 1991, when Thurgood Marshall retired and was replaced by Justice Clarence Thomas.

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Obama's Visit to Cuba Betrays America's Commitment to Freedom

It is clear that human rights are not at the forefront of the Obama's administration's Cuba policy, so Obama's upcoming visit will do little else besides lend unearned legitimacy to a murderous dictatorship.

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