The US Debt Just Exceeded $19 Trillion. Here's How We Got in This Mess.

The Daily Signal
Feb. 3, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where spending rarely goes out of style. A trio of Heritage Foundation analysts stands firm: Romina Boccia tells why you should care about a national debt topping $19 trillion. James Roberts warns you're on the hook to bail out corrupt regimes. And, in some good news, Nick Loris thinks you're wise to the ethanol con. Plus: How'd your congressman vote on Obamacare? And how do these conservatives plan to "take back America"?

The US Debt Just Exceeded $19 Trillion. Here's How We Got in This Mess.

This is the first time the national debt has ever exceeded $19 trillion. That's more than $58,000 for each person who lives in the U.S. today (including children).

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Find Out How Your Congressman Voted on a Measure Overriding Obama's Veto of Obamacare Repeal Bill

"What we are proving today is if we have a Republican president next year, we will repeal Obamacare and we will replace Obamacare," said House Speaker Paul Ryan.

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This State Could Soon Become First to Stop Transgender Students From Using Opposite-Sex Bathrooms

"Federal bureaucrats are threatening to withhold federal funding from schools that do not allow transgender students full, unrestricted access to facilities of the opposite biological sex," warned the lawmaker behind the bill.

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Conservatives to Outline Plan to 'Take Back America'

Two dozen members of Congress will tackle aspects of "a blueprint to take back America" during Heritage Action's Conservative Policy Summit happening today.

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Finally, America May Be Catching On to Ethanol Racket

The results of the Iowa caucus proved even Iowans—long seen as fervent proponents of ethanol—don't view Washington's favoritism to it as necessarily still required.

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Your Tax Dollars Will Fund the Next Global Bailout

Corrupt, oil-cursed countries have caught the whiff of "free" money and are getting in line to seek International Monetary Fund bailouts.

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