What Justice Scalia Taught Us

The Daily Signal

Feb. 14, 2016

What Justice Scalia Taught Us

More than 100 men and women have been justices of the Supreme Court. All decided the outcome of individual cases and made small changes in the law. Justice Antonin Scalia did so much more.

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Republicans, Obama Already Clashing Over Scalia's Replacement

The fight over who should fill Antonin Scalia's seat on the Supreme Court broke out quickly after the justice's death Saturday. Both parties wasted little time marking the battle lines for a clash that could continue until President Barack Obama leaves office.

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9 Zingers From the Sharp Mind of Justice Scalia

Justice Antonin Scalia, who died during his 29th year on the Supreme Court, was known for a sharp wit as well as a brilliant legal mind, and he expressed both with his tongue as well as his pen.

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Scalia: Constitution, Not Bill of Rights, Makes Us Free

"The genius of the American constitutional system is the dispersal of power," Scalia said. "Once power is centralized in one person, or one part [of government], a Bill of Rights is just words on paper."

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The Best Quotes From Scalia's Scathing Dissent in King v. Burwell

Justice Antonin Scalia pulled no punches in his dissent from the Supreme Court's decision in King v. Burwell, allowing Obamacare subsidies to flow through the federal exchange.

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