Who is your choice for 2016?

Dear National Review Reader,

Please find this special message from the American Conservative Union.

Fellow American,

I urge you to take a moment right now to cast your vote in the American Conservative Union's Special pre-CPAC Online Presidential Poll, and let us know who your choice is for President in 2016.

Just click here to cast your vote.

Whether you support Donald Trump, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, or any of the many candidates for president this year, we need to hear from you right away.

Just click here to make your voice heard in this important online poll.

Every year at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, the American Conservative Union holds one of the most influential presidential straw polls in the nation.

CPAC is the single largest gathering of conservatives in America, so the results of this straw poll are extremely important.

This year, however, we want to get a preview of where the conservative movement stands on the candidates for president.

So we have launched this online poll to begin getting a sense of what we can expect in the critically important months to come.

Will you please cast your vote right now? Just click here to get started.

Across the nation, conservatives are ready for a change.

Seven years of big government liberalism is enough. It's time to take our country back and secure a bright and prosperous future for our children and grandchildren!

But to do that, we must be sure that we select an unwavering advocate for our conservative values.

And with 2016 right around the corner, the time to make a decision is not far off.

Victory in 2016 depends on nominating a true conservative who will carry our principles of limited government, lower taxes, a strong national defense, and traditional family values all the way to the White House.

And we only get one chance to nominate the leader who best represents those values.

Won't you tell us who you believe that should be?

Thank you so much for your help.

For America,

Daniel Schneider
Executive Director
American Conservative Union

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