16 Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against 'Climate Change Disbelievers'

The Daily Signal
April 5, 2016
Good morning from Washington, birthplace of a Justice Department-led "inquisition" threatening huge fines for anyone who declines to believe in climate change. Hans von Spakovksy names the inquisitors. Philip Wegmann reports from the Hill on the grassroots campaign holding Republicans to their pledge on the Supreme Court vacancy, as well as conservatives' plan to clip the wings of the lame-duck session. Plus: Josh Siegel's on-camera interview with a Texas woman freed early from a prison sentence for her part in a drug ring.

16 Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against 'Climate Change Disbelievers'

"The bottom line is simple: Climate change is real," said New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, adding that if companies are committing fraud by "lying" about the dangers of climate change, government inquisitors will "pursue them to the fullest extent of the law."

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After 15 Years in Prison, One Drug Offender's Search for Meaning

"I've met some of the best people I'll ever know in prison," said Dana Bowerman, a recently released federal prisoner. "And I left a lot of people behind who don't deserve to be there. They are no threat."

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Reinforced by Grassroots, Senate Republicans Hold Line on Supreme Court Nomination

Activists are having an impact. Of the 54 Republicans in the Senate, 52 are still standing behind Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and his promise not to hold confirmation hearings for Obama's nominee.

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Conservatives Fear the Lame Duck but Aren't Ready to Kill It

The lame-duck session refers to the window after the November election but before newly elected representatives take their seats. Conservatives fear the lame duck because outgoing lawmakers, temporarily free from responsibility, often vote for controversial legislation.

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