After 300 Days and 164 Cosponsors, Bill to Protect Religious Liberty Stuck in Congress

The Daily Signal
April 13, 2016

Good morning from Washington, where two senators propose legislation to end the Obama administration's secretive Operation Choke Point. Research on sex-selection abortion arrives as a House panel considers a measure banning the practice. Kelsey Harkness has both stories. A bill protecting religious liberty languishes in committee, Philip Wegmann reports, and a Baptist pastor turned congressman tells why liberals decry "bathroom bills." Plus: The Disney Co.'s cartoonish politics. Kim Holmes laments "The Closing of the Liberal Mind."


After 300 Days and 164 Cosponsors, Bill to Protect Religious Liberty Stuck in Congress

Pointing out that "states [are] making religious freedom a priority," Rep. Raúl Labrador, the Idaho Republican who sponsored the bill, says that "the time has come for Congress to act at the federal level."

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Exclusive: Cruz, Lee Attempt to Take Down Operation Choke Point

Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah plan to introduce a bill today that attempts to unravel the Justice Department's controversial program Operation Choke Point, The Daily Signal has learned.

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Disney's Religious Liberty Hypocrisy Exposed

Disney claims to be concerned about discrimination toward LGBT individuals so much it was willing to leave Georgia if a religious liberty bill became law. But in the last five years, Disney has produced or released several movies that were filmed in countries that penalize homosexual acts, with penalties ranging from fines to life imprisonment and even death.

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New Study: 'Sex-Selection Abortion Is a Global Problem,' Including in US

In advance of a Thursday House hearing on a measure that would ban abortions based on gender, a pro-life group published new research, provided exclusively to The Daily Signal, on prenatal sex discrimination.

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Rep. Mark Walker: Liberals Exploiting Bathroom Bill Controversy for Political Gain

"The question I've asked several times that can't be answered is, What if you have a sexual predator posing as transgender who wants to use the girls' restroom?" Rep. Mark Walker, R-N.C., said.

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Intolerant and Closed-Minded: How Liberals Lost Their Way

In a new book, Heritage Foundation distinguished fellow Kim Holmes reveals how liberals in America have abandoned their traditions and become a force for denying people's rights and freedoms.

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