Houston's Muslim-Led Plan to Protect the Homeland

The Daily Signal
April 18, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where homeland security officials partner with Muslims across America to protect communities from Islamist extremism. Josh Siegel traveled to Houston to profile American Muslims behind one program. Wait—unions seek exemption from the minimum wage? Melissa Quinn reports. Some lawmakers have an entitlement mentality, Genevieve Wood writes. Plus: Mike Gonzalez on the cruise line that won't take Cuban-Americans to Cuba. A measure to stop Obamacare from cheating taxpayers. And nine charts for your Tax Day enjoyment.

Houston's Muslim-Led Plan to Protect the Homeland

After domestic terrorist attacks such as the one in San Bernardino, Calif., America's 3.3 million Muslims often are asked to respond, diagnose, and fight back. The Daily Signal took an in-depth look at Houston's Muslim community and the fight against extremism there.

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9 Charts You Need to See for Tax Day

As Americans all across the country finalize their tax filings, let's take a look at where all those tax dollars go.

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LA City Council Halts Discussion of Minimum Wage Exemption Pushed by Labor Unions

The Los Angeles City Council isn't currently planning to further discuss a proposal exempting union members from the southern California city's new minimum wage, despite the proposal having the backing of labor unions.

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Carnival Launches the 'Hate Boat' to Cuba

Carnival's policy is so stupid that even Secretary of State John Kerry tried to distance the administration from the company. "They should not embrace a policy that is Cuban, which winds up discriminating against Americans," Kerry said.

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Establishment Senators Push GOP Unity Ahead of Conservative Values

It appears that some GOP senators, like Sen. Bob Corker, don't like the fact that Sen. Mike Lee and his staff talk to people outside the Senate to fact check and get input about legislation that has been introduced by other Republicans.

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'Stop Cheating Taxpayers': Ben Sasse Introduces Bill Requiring Obamacare Program to Reimburse Treasury

"The reinsurance program is a clear case of Washington's cronyism: families are suffering Obamacare's consequences, but Washington bureaucrats are sending billions of dollars to well-connected insurance companies," said Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb.

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