In the Market for Fetal Body Parts, a Baby's Brain Sells for $3,340

The Daily Signal
April 20, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where a House panel investigating the market for aborted baby parts has disturbing evidence of the big money involved. Details from Kelsey Harkness. A court ruling in Virginia would undo sex-based bathrooms, Ryan T. Anderson writes. Iran overshadows President Obama's trip to Saudi Arabia, Josh Siegel reports. Plus: A congressman's views on impeachment, Rick Perry's message about Muslims, and Nick Loris' five reasons to put the climate deal on ice.

In the Market for Fetal Body Parts, a Baby's Brain Sells for $3,340

"It is just horrifying," Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., who leads the House's investigation of the fetal tissue industry, told The Daily Signal. "They are putting a dollar value on these organs from these children—unborn children that have been aborted."

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Top 5 Reasons Congress Should Reject Obama's Climate Change Treaty

Secretary of State John Kerry will join leaders from around the world to sign the Paris Protocol global warming agreement this Friday at the United Nations headquarters.

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Rick Perry: We Are 'Not in a War' With Muslims

"The message I want to get out is we are in a war with radical Islam—we are not in a war with all people of the Muslim faith by any sense of the imagination," the former Texas governor told The Daily Signal in an exclusive interview.

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Jason Chaffetz Wants to Use 'Atrophied' Muscle of Impeachment Against IRS Commissioner

The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee wants Congress to impeach wayward government agents more often, and he'd like GOP leadership to start with Commissioner of Internal Revenue John Koskinen.

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Federal Court: Schools May Not Provide Separate Bathrooms Based on Biology

An unaccountable agency and an activist court are rewriting Title IX and remaking bathroom policy across our nation.

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America's Iran 'Tilt' Likely Topic as Obama Visits Saudi Arabia

President Barack Obama will visit Saudi Arabia Wednesday trying to salvage what he can from a historically stable partnership that has frayed over differing priorities related to major issues like the Syrian civil war and Iranian influence.

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