Jonah said it all

Dear Friend,

We've got about one week left in our webathon, and rather than make my own appeal, I had to pass on this excerpt from Jonah's piece, published yesterday. He says it all:

Since I started working here almost 20 years ago, I have never been more proud of National Review than I have been in 2016. We've refused to go with the flow at precisely the moment so many are getting on the bandwagon. (I take clichés and beat them to death with mixed metaphors.) Yes, we've lost some treasured longtime friends, but we've gained some wonderful new ones. We can lament the losses and hope they are temporary, but none of us regret doing what we felt was right: Standing up for our principles, telling the truth as we see it, and reporting the facts as we find them.

I thought it was either Goethe or Alf who said, "Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid." But the Internet tells me it was Basil King. Well, whoever said it, he was right. And you, my friends, are the mighty forces we are counting on. Normally these Webathon beg-letters are a necessary chore. Not so at this moment. I'm eager and proud to ask for your help. We need it. The conservative movement needs it. The country needs it.

Thank you.

Jack Fowler
National Review


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