More Guns Does Not Mean More Murders

The Daily Signal
April 6, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where abortion trips up a senator's idea to combat the evil of modern slavery. Kevin Mooney and Ken McIntyre explain conservatives' concerns. The Supreme Court erred in ruling that legislative districts must be drawn by total population, Hans von Spakovsky and Elizabeth Slattery decide. Mississippi's governor did the right thing by signing a religious liberty bill into law, Roger Severino writes. And bans on guns don't result in fewer murders, concludes a Harvard study flagged by Patrick Tyrrell.

Funding of Abortions Slows Senate Support for Human Trafficking Bill

Conservatives argue that Republican Sen. Bob Corker's bill would duplicate current government programs and not sufficiently guard against the use of funds to pay for abortions for victims of human trafficking.

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More Guns Does Not Mean More Murders

Those in favor of disarming the citizenry claim that fewer guns will mean less gun crime. This assertion is not based on facts.

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Gov. Bryant Stands Up to Liberal Bullying, Signs Mississippi Religious Freedom Bill

In his signing statement, Republican Gov. Phil Bryant noted that the law simply protects individuals against government coercing them against their beliefs and that it does so "in the most targeted manner to prevent government interference in the lives of the people."

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Supreme Court Got It Wrong: Noncitizens Shouldn't Be Counted

In a loss for voters, the Supreme Court has ruled unanimously against two residents of Texas who had argued that the state legislature diluted their votes when it used total population to redraw state Senate districts.

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