Mother Angelica's Illuminated Life

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Please find this special message from one of our friends.

Father Benedict Groeschel, co-founder of Good Counsel, once said that Mother Angelica was an example of someone living in an illuminative way, living in response to God's love and not solely for chore or duty. In his book, Spiritual Passages, Father Benedict states, "The Christian in the Illuminative Way lives on Scripture and is fed on the writings of the saints. Reverence and awe [grow] … and the soul is now seen not so much as a shadow being but as the inner place where the Trinity abides in glory." I believe we can all agree that Mother Angelica was a shining example of how to live life illuminated and in continuous obedience to God's will.

Christopher Bell, president of Good Counsel, was fortunate to have met Mother Angelica and had been a guest on "Mother Angelica Live," several times in the late 80s and early 90s. Reflecting on those times, he said, "What a great gift for me to have met her. Her closeness to God was very real. It was at once both an example and a positive encouragement. She once told her audience while we were talking about Good Counsel homes to 'call this young man and give him your empty convents to open as homes for mothers and babies'!"
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