States' War on Obama's Executive Immigration Actions Goes to the Supreme Court

The Daily Signal
April 19, 2016
Good morning from the nation's capital, where the Supreme Court scrutinizes President Obama's amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. Elizabeth Slattery analyzes. In Houston, Josh Siegel profiles Muslims working to avert another San Bernardino. Taxpayers are on the hook for another belly-up solar company, Melissa Quinn reports. Plus: Genevieve Wood talks with Ed Morrissey about the national clout of seven counties, Hans von Spakovsky questions the Sandy Hook lawsuit against gun manufacturers, and Mike Gonzalez makes waves with a cruise line's Cuban reversal.

States' War on Obama's Executive Immigration Actions Goes to the Supreme Court

Here are the highlights from the Supreme Court oral arguments for the case brought by Texas and 25 other states challenging the Obama administration's attempt to give legal status and work authorizations to more than 4 million illegal immigrants.

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How These Texas Muslims Help Lead the Fight Against Terror

"We have come up with a policy where we constantly engage our young people, teach them the proper teaching of Islam, and keep them occupied, because we don't want to lose a single person to extremism," M.J. Khan, president of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston, says in the second part of The Daily Signal's in-depth look at Houston's Muslim community.

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Judge Ignores Federal Law and Allows Sandy Hook Gun Case to Proceed

The judge's goal seemed to be to go after the deep pockets of gunmakers who manufacture and sell a product owned by many Americans, in accordance with their constitutional rights.

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After Receiving $191 Million in Taxpayer-Backed Loans, Spanish Solar Company Files for Bankruptcy

A Spanish solar energy company benefiting from $191 million in financing from the Export-Import Bank declared bankruptcy last month, calling into question whether the embattled agency will see repayment of the tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer-backed loans on its balance sheets.

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Carnival's 'Hate Boat' to Havana Heralds the Shape of Things to Come

Carnival Cruises is kind of a pioneer in Cuba, though not in the way it intended. Right now it is Exhibit A of the perils of getting in bed with blood-soaked dictators.

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The 2 Million Voters Who Will Elect the Next President

There may be over 300 million people living in America, but Ed Morrissey's new book makes the case that it's the 2 million living in just seven battleground counties that will ultimately decide who our next president will be.

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