The 'Chilling' Reason This Doctor Says Georgia Fired Him

The Daily Signal
April 21, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where former prosecutors tell a House panel they see evidence of criminal wrongdoing in the fetal tissue industry. Democrats cry foul, Kelsey Harkness reports. A freshman congressman preaches a better way to fight poverty, and Philip Wegmann is there to hear it. Leah Jessen has the story of a Georgia doctor whose faith apparently got him fired. Nolan Peterson covers Russia's latest aggressive moves. Plus: Jarrett Stepman in defense of Andrew Jackson and Dana Perino on W's unseen leadership.

The 'Chilling' Reason This Doctor Says Georgia Fired Him

A public health official, who says he was fired by Georgia's health agency for the content of his sermons, filed a lawsuit against the state claiming religious discrimination.

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A Preacher Turned Lawmaker and His New Campaign to Win the Old War on Poverty

Rep. Mark Walker is trying to teach fellow congressional Republicans a new operating doctrine: Put people before policy and change your tone—especially when addressing social issues like poverty.

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The Media Have It Wrong: Andrew Jackson's Legacy Was Fighting Crony Capitalism

Andrew Jackson's veto of the Second Bank of the United States' charter was one of the most eloquent attacks on crony capitalism in American history.

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House Democrats Object to Evidence of Profiteering in Baby Body Parts

Three former prosecutors backed those allegations, saying documents that Republican members released as evidence demonstrate "probable cause" that federal statutes against profiting by fetal tissue had been violated.

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Former Soviet Fighter Pilot: Russian Jets 'More Aggressive' Than During Cold War

The U.S. and NATO say Russia has demonstrated a pattern of military aggression and reckless brinksmanship across Eastern Europe that risks sparking a military conflict.

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Behind-the-Scenes Moments Show George W. Bush's Leadership Outside Spotlight

In her book, "And the Good News Is … : Lessons and Advice From the Bright Side," Dana Perino shares moments with President George W. Bush that show what kind of leader he was when the cameras weren't there.

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