The Green War Against the Working Class

The Daily Signal
April 25, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where conservative lawmakers don't think the IRS should monitor taxpayers' movements. Philip Wegmann has the story, along with news that a religious freedom bill is gaining traction in the House. Coal is cleaner than ever, Steve Moore writes, yet the Obama administration keeps killing industry jobs. Plus: Hans von Spakovsky has thoughts on a think tank that won't let the government see its climate research, and Genevieve Wood interviews a counterterrorism expert on defeating jihadists.

The Green War Against the Working Class

The radical leftwing environmentalists care more about the supposed rise of the oceans than the financial survival of the middle class.

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IRS Can Track Your Cell Phone, but Leaves Billions in Taxes Uncollected

Rep. Jim Jordan fears the IRS could abuse a tech device to monitor political groups like it did in 2013, when the agency began targeting conservative nonprofits.

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How Christianity Helped Create Our American Democracy

For Alexis de Tocqueville, political freedom requires an unshakeable moral foundation that only religion can supply.

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Religious Liberty Bill Inches Forward in House After 10 Months

After more than 300 days, a bill to safeguard religious liberty in the marriage debate appears to be gaining momentum in committee.

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How America Can Win the War Against the Global Jihadi Movement

Sebastian Gorka says our enemy is not "terror" or "violent extremism" but rather the global jihadi movement—a modern totalitarian ideology rooted in the doctrines and martial history of Islam.

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Victim of AGs' Climate Change Inquisition Fights Back

"The law does not allow government officials to violate Americans' civil rights with impunity," wrote a lawyer with the targeted group.

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