The Hidden Tax That Costs Households Up to $1,600 a Year

The Daily Signal
April 28, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where conservatives say the House needs to vote on whether the government can punish you for your religious beliefs on marriage. Kelsey Harkness has that story and another on the fate of a similar bill in Missouri. State licenses for more and more occupations actually kill jobs, Salim Furth writes. Josh Siegel reports on two issues dividing congressional Republicans: Puerto Rico's debt crisis and "policy riders" added to spending bills.

The Hidden Tax That Costs Households Up to $1,600 a Year

Occupational licenses act as a barrier to potential new workers in an occupation. The costs and delay associated with obtaining a license convinces many potential workers to not even try.

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Attempt to Send Religious Liberty Bill Straight to the People Fails in Missouri

A measure that attempted to take the power away from lawmakers and give it to the people to decide how to handle the marriage and religious liberty debate died in committee Wednesday after three Republicans voted against it.

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GOP Fights Over Whether Puerto Rico Rescue Plan Is a 'Bailout'

Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., of the Natural Resources Committee, argues that providing Puerto Rico the opportunity to reduce its debt signals that Congress could give the same authority to struggling states that also owe a lot of money to investors.

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State Department Announces Plans to Circumvent US Law in Order to Advance Climate Agenda

This should come as no surprise, as President Obama has already circumvented the Constitution by not submitting what is clearly an international climate change treaty to the Senate.

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House Conservatives Say 'It's Time' to Address Freedom of Conscience Debate

The First Amendment Defense Act aims to protect individuals who believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman from being punished by the federal government.

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House Freedom Caucus Chairman Vows to Push Conservative Amendments to Spending Bills

"We are going to make sure, if in fact appropriations bills come up, that the House will be pushing for conservative policies," said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.

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