The Left's Climate Inquisition's New Target

The Daily Signal
April 11, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where the Senate's top Republican wants to OK leaders of a federal bank conservatives seek to kill. Melissa Quinn reports. Why is a Virgin Islands official demanding to see a think tank's documents on climate change? Hans von Spakovksy explains a chilling trend. The mainstream media says a key senator took heat back home for not advancing a Supreme Court nominee. Attendees tell Leah Jessen differently. Plus: Ukraine's prime minister quits. Erick Erickson on the left's radical agenda.

The Left's Climate Inquisition's New Target

This appears to be an effort to intimidate, harass, frighten, and possibly imprison or fine anyone who U.S. Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude E. Walker and his fellow warders think is saying the wrong thing and who is standing in the way when it comes to forcing the rest of us to switch to politically correct and unreliable energy sources like wind and solar.

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Video of Chuck Grassley's Town Hall Tells Different Story Than 'Misportrayal' in Media

"I got frustrated, because the headlines in the stories were 'Grassley's under pressure' and that was the opposite of the reality of what was on the ground in that room," said Cody Hoefert of Rock Rapids, Iowa.

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Erick Erickson Talks Religious Liberty Fights: 'The Left Has Overreached'

Erick Erickson talks to The Daily Signal about religious liberty, Hollywood values, bathroom laws, and why the coziness of big business with big government is causing problems for conservatives.

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Mitch McConnell Pressuring Banking Committee Chairman to Move on Export-Import Bank Nominees

Sending Mark McWatters' nomination to the full Senate for consideration—where he would likely be confirmed—would bring Ex-Im one step closer to resuming business as usual.

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Ukraine's Prime Minister Calls It Quits, Pressure Mounts to Form New Coalition

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced he would step down Tuesday, marking the end of a two-month-long political crisis, saying "We cannot allow destabilization of the executive branch during a war."

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What 'Surprised' Carly Fiorina 'the Most' About 2016

Hint: It involved the media.

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