This is how we unite conservatives


Your beliefs, principles and values are out of date. They’re obsolete, you’re outnumbered, and you’re standing in the way of “progress.” 

That’s what liberals want you to think. They want you to think that the conservative principles you stand for are only held by a rapidly shrinking minority.

But they’re wrong. That’s why I wanted to tell you about our ambitious new project to identify and unite the conservative base.

We’re launching the Conservative Census to seek out and bring together those of us who believe in principles like free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, and traditional American values and a strong national defense.

This project will reveal just how strong the conservative base is in America.

But to launch this, we need your help, today.

Find out more about the Conservative Census today >>

It’s time for conservatives to unite under the principles that made our nation strong.

Thank you, as always for never giving in. 


Jim DeMint

The Heritage Foundation

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