We caught him

Dear Friend,

We caught Bernie Sanders.

After he proposed the largest tax hike in human history, it turns out that he not only paid taxes at a lower rate than most Americans, but he also takes advantage of every deduction he can. America is feeling "Berned."

We caught Hillary Clinton.

She's condemning Donald Trump in the most strident terms, but she's not giving back a single dime of the tens of thousands of dollars he donated to her or her foundation.

And we keep catching Trump.

Once again he's leading the charge against the First Amendment - this time threatening to sue an artist who painted an unflattering portrait.

National Review's reporting and analysis exposes hypocrites everywhere. But we can't do our work without you.

Our Spring Webathon is off to a roaring start, yet we're still thousands short of our goal. Can you chip in with $15, $30, or $50 today?

Your gift will help us flood the zone with the best reporting an analysis on the web or on the page. Please consider giving today.


Jack Fowler
National Review


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