7 Years of Promising Obamacare Repeal Leaves Republicans Just 1 Option
July 19, 2017 |
Good morning from Washington, where the White House thinks voter fraud is at least as big a threat as Russian interference with U.S. elections. Fred Lucas previews the work of a new panel. The Senate's failed health care bill doesn't release Republicans from their pledge to repeal Obamacare, Jarrett Stepman writes. In the House, GOP lawmakers also can't agree on spending levels, as Rachel del Guidice reports. Plus: Romina Boccia on the Social Security crisis, and Walter Williams on slavery and American greatness. |
Commentary7 Years of Promising Obamacare Repeal Leaves Republicans Just 1 Option"For seven years, I've been hearing 'repeal and replace' from Congress, and I've been hearing it loud and strong. And then when we finally get a chance to repeal and replace, they don't take advantage of it," says President Trump. |
NewsWhite House Panel on Voter Fraud Begins WorkCases of proven voter fraud have taken place in 47 states. |
NewsGOP Lawmakers Say Their Budget Plan Spotlights 'Path Back to Solvency'The House's largest caucus of conservatives is throwing its weight behind a budget proposal that it says would cut more government spending and advance conservative principles further than the official Republican plan. |
CommentarySocial Security Reform Is Urgent and NecessaryThe Social Security Old-Age and Survivors Insurance trust fund will be depleted by 2035, reducing Social Security's expenditures automatically to what the program will receive in revenues, regardless of benefits due at that time. |
NewsThese House Democrats Heard They May Have Been Hacked but Don't Seem to CareHouse Democrats have apparently remained indifferent to the likely penetration of their congressional computer systems, declining to distance themselves from five Pakistani House server administrators who are the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation. |
Commentary9 Key Takeaways From the House Budget ProposalThe plan makes progress in some areas, such as prioritizing national defense, reforming Medicare, implementing mandatory reforms through reconciliation, repealing Obamacare, and beginning to reform Veterans Affairs. But it also falls short in other areas. |
CommentaryThe Key Facts About Slavery That the Left Conveniently IgnoresThe most unique aspect of slavery in the Western world was the moral outrage against it, which began to emerge in the 18th century and led to massive elimination efforts. |
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