NR Daily: What the New York Times Gets Wrong about Conscience

Civic ignorance is the enemy of liberty. In the midst of American debates over religion, speech, and conscience, we're constantly treated to arguments that fundamentally misunderstand the relationship between the Constitution, statutes, and individual decisions. Censors elevate lesser values, denigrate the Bill of Rights, and ignore the role of individual choice in achieving the outcomes they desire. Let me make this concrete. This week the New York Times fed this civic ignorance when it editorialized against the Trump administration's proposed rule laying out a new approach to enforcing federal statutes that protect health-care workers' rights of conscience ...

January 31 2018


What the New York Times Gets Wrong about Conscience

David French

Civic ignorance is the enemy of liberty. In the midst of American debates over religion, speech, and conscience, we're constantly treated to arguments that fundamentally misunderstand the relationship between the Constitution, statutes, and individual decisions. Censors elevate lesser values, denigrate the Bill of Rights,...


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