Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with ISRAEL; fight against those who fight against ISRAEL!
Take hold of shield and buckler and rise for ISRAEL'S help! Draw the spear and javelin against ISRAEL'S pursuers!
The Education Department is preparing new rules that would roll back the monstrously unfair Obama-era requirements for how colleges handle sexual assault and harassment allegations. Read More
A pliant state supreme court just rewarded Governor Tom Wolf's massive executive overreach, handing the governor and his Big Labor allies a win. Ordinary Pennsylvanians will pay the price.
Worrying about who gets into Harvard is not going to do very much for black Americans corporately, and the Asian-American plaintiffs have a convincing case on simple justice grounds. They should not be discriminated against in order to pursue someone else's social ends.
Canada's foreign minister and prime minister were cautiously optimistic in response to President Trump's explosive off-the-record comments on the NAFTA talks.
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