My Viral Climate Change Video Was Smeared as Fake News. Here Are the Facts.

Aug 23, 2018

Good morning from Washington, where some pundits are in a lather over the outcomes of two court cases touching on President Trump. Not so fast with the cries for impeachment, legal experts tell Fred Lucas. One of them, Heritage Foundation scholar Hans von Spakovsky, has thoughts on "hush money" as well as the arrest of an illegal immigrant in the killing of Mollie Tibbetts. Plus: Marc Morano on the attempt to discredit his popular video on climate change, Peter Sprigg on that "must stay gay" bill in California, and Star Parker on what we have lost since MLK's "Dream" speech.

An environmental scientist who writes a column for The Guardian has claimed that my video on climate change "spreads climate denial misinformation" to millions of viewers on Facebook. Not so.
Both the Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen cases could mean a lot for special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, officially centered on Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election and any involvement by the Trump campaign.
"We actually don't know about the criminal backgrounds of 99 percent of the people who got DACA status and the ability to stay in the country," says The Heritage Foundation's Hans von Spakovsky.
King appealed to us to not drink "from the cup of bitterness and hatred" but to "conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline." There is widespread failure in today's America to honor this last appeal for civility.
The Heritage Foundation's Hans von Spakovsky analyzes Michael Cohen's guilty plea and the implications for President Trump.
"The purchases included family vacations to Italy, Hawaii; … school tuition; dental work; theater tickets; and domestic and international travel for almost a dozen relatives," the Justice Department says.
The case of John Edwards suggests payments like the one given to Stormy Daniels may not count as campaign contributions.
The bill itself is a perfect storm of leftist political correctness that attacks free speech and freedom of religion while institutionalizing the sexual revolution.

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