Social Media Censorship of InfoWars Exposes Larger Problem of Silicon Valley Bias

Aug 08, 2018

Good morning from Washington, where the pundits are at work spinning the results of yesterday's election to pick an Ohio congressman. Fred Lucas reports. A Chicago Democrat challenges his party to welcome President Trump's help in quelling deadly shootings. Katherine Rohloff has the story. Nolan Peterson, who covers the Ukraine war for The Daily SIgnal, visits the podcast. Plus: Jarrett Stepman on social media's campaign against InfoWars, Jason Snead on drones with deadly missions, Thomas Jipping on Senate Democrats' flexible focus on a judge's record, and Walter Williams on what colleges have done to traditional values.

"Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it," tweets a Democrat senator.
President Trump carried the district by 11 percentage points in 2016. 
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is showing the wrong kind of leadership by continuing to declare the city a "Trump-Free Zone," state Rep. La Shawn Ford says.
"It is the judicial record, more than speeches and statements, more than personal background, that most accurately measures how modest a judicial nominee will be," said Sen. Chuck Schumer in 2009.
Nolan Peterson, who reports from Ukraine for The Daily Signal, joins us today to discuss the European land war no one's paying any attention to—and what Russia's motivation is.
U.S. law enforcement agencies need counter-drone tools to detect, track, and identify drones that pose a danger to the public and to offer countermeasures to interdict them in the manner least likely to result in collateral damage.
An English professor at Montclair State University, in New Jersey, told his students: "Conservatism champions racism, exploitation, and imperialist war."

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