Week in Review: Mr. Rosenstein, What Is the Crime?

For precisely what federal crimes is the president of the United States under investigation by a special counsel appointed by the Justice Department?

September 09 2018


Mr. Rosenstein, What Is the Crime?

Andrew C. McCarthy

The Russian-collusion investigation still has not stated what evidence it has that Trump committed a crime. Read More


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The Itch for Kitsch

Kevin D. Williamson

Playboy is bringing back its NYC club. Why?

Everybody Hates Millennials

Jack Butler

Matthew Hennessey blames Millennials for 21st-century social woes, but his allies include tech-skeptics of all ages.

NYT Dismisses Trump's Call for DOJ to Investigate Anonymous Op-Ed

Mairead McArdle

In a statement, the Times pushed back on the president's remarks, saying such an investigation would be a 'blatant abuse of government power.'


Media Obituaries Didn't Give Us 'The Full McCain'

John Fund

John McCain was enough of a genuine American hero that he need not be placed on a pedestal and treated like a plaster saint. He deserves to be described in our farewells as a man in full, with all of his contradictions, inconsistencies, and expedient behavior.

Reconsidering the Government's Guidance on Campus Rape Issues

George Will

Education secretary Betsy DeVos is lessening her department's disciplinary involvement in campus rape culture.

Kamala Harris Wins the Democrats' Kavanaugh Primary

Jonathan S. Tobin

Some of the 2020 presidential contenders competed in the Kavanaugh hearings. The most hostile inquisitor won.

The Sum of All Tears

Matthew Continetti

Obama's Iran Deal negotiator Wendy Sherman was ineffectual and is now self-congratulatory.

George Papadopoulos Sentenced for Lying to Mueller's Investigators

Jack Crowe

The former Trump campaign aide was sentenced to 14 days in jail after pleading guilty in October to misleading federal investigators.




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