Morning Jolt: ‘Safe and Rare’ Also Means ‘Post-Birth Abortion’

Making the click-through worthwhile: The Virginia governor makes the cause of pro-lifers much easier with his honest brutality, a couple of questions about the account of the actor attacked in a potential hate crime in Chicago on Tuesday night, Rand Paul gets some justice, a bad deal in Wisconsin gets worse, and an event in Washington you won't want to miss.

The Democrats' Brutal Honesty and Honest Brutality About Abortion

When President Bill Clinton said that abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare" in 1996, he staked out what looked like something of a middle ground on the single most passion-stirring issue in American politics. In the eyes of one group of Americans, Roe v. Wade had finally ensured that no woman would face life with an unwanted pregnancy and child; in the eyes of the other, the American government had legalized the murder of children as long as the child was on one side of the birth canal — and later, in defenses of partial-birth abortion, as long as some part of the child was still in the birth canal.

But there was always an uncomfortable contradiction in Clinton's formulation. If abortion was ...

January 31 2019


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'Safe and Rare' Also Means 'Post-Birth Abortion'

Jim Geraghty

Making the click-through worthwhile: The Virginia governor makes the cause of pro-lifers much easier with his honest brutality, a couple of questions about the account of the actor attacked in a potential hate crime in Chicago on Tuesday night, Rand Paul gets some justice, a bad deal in Wisconsin gets worse, and an event in Washington you won't want to miss.

The Democrats' Brutal Honesty and Honest Brutality About Abortion

When President Bill Clinton said that abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare" in 1996, he staked out what looked like something of a middle ground on the single most passion-stirring issue in American politics. In the eyes of one group of Americans, Roe v. Wade had finally ensured that no woman would face life with an unwanted pregnancy and child; in the eyes of the other, the American government had legalized the murder of children as long as the child was on one side of the birth canal — and later, in defenses of partial-birth abortion, as long as some part of the child was still in the birth canal.

But there was always an uncomfortable contradiction in Clinton's formulation. If abortion was ... Read More


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