Key Takeaways From the Mueller Report on Trump and Russia

Apr 19, 2019

Good Friday greetings from Washington, where the Justice Department sent liberals combing through a lightly redacted version of the Mueller report in hopes of finding something, anything to damage President Trump. Fred Lucas highlights some of the freshest revelations, and Hans von Spakovsky joins the podcast to talk about contested evidence of obstruction. The Medicare-for-all crowd has it wrong again, Bob Moffit writes. Plus: Deana Bass Williams on transgender athletes, Ericka Andersen on the results of planting churches, and Margaret Smith on Notre Dame and the importance of the past. Happy Easter, everyone.

The final Mueller report finds no evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, but the details of the 448-page document provide fodder for liberals who want more investigations.
Sen. Bernie Sanders often reminds us that the U.S. spends roughly twice as much per capita on health care as most other economically advanced countries. But American life expectancy is lower than that of almost all these high-income nations.
"None of the actions that were taken by the president could be considered obstruction of justice," says Heritage Foundation legal expert Hans von Spakovsky.
Many of those fleeing other Central American countries claim to feel threatened by gangs and crime.
Today, families who object to having their daughters compete against transgender students are being bullied into silence.
In 2017, 72,000 Americans died from drug overdoses and 9.4 million adults considered suicide.The chances that many of these people were not attending church are high.
Athwart the stream of progress and change are monuments like Notre Dame, a resounding contradiction to the claim that today will always be better than yesterday.

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