Pelosi Is Hijacking the Civil Rights Movement to Force LGBT Ideology on Kids

Apr 08, 2019

Good morning from Washington, where House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants Congress to create special rights for Americans who say they identify as the opposite sex. Autumn Leva shows why it's different from civil rights struggles. Americans travel to the nation's capital to urge lawmakers to take a clear stand for life. Rachel del Guidice reports. What did Senate Republicans just do to allow the Trump administration to put judges and top officials in place? Thomas Jipping explains. Plus: Genevieve Wood interviews the provocative Jordan Peterson, and your comments on our coverage.

"This travesty of justice cannot be allowed to stand. We can't have a two-tiered system of justice in this country, or respect for the rule of law will evaporate into anarchy," writes Randy Leyendecker of Kerrville, Texas.
The left wants to use the blueprint that helped our nation desegregate schools to manipulate schoolchildren to carry water for the LGBT political agenda.
In a wide-ranging interview, Peterson discusses the rise of socialism in America, the importance of personal responsibility, the necessity of suffering, and why his message is resonating with so many people.
Today, 142 positions across the federal judiciary are vacant, the highest number since June 1991.
"Many of the things that we face from the government today in the … so-called deep state, for example, are similar to things that we faced around the time of the American Revolution," says Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.
"I am here because I value life, and the thought of a newborn baby being left to die is very repulsive to me," says Tina Turner of Mooresville, Indiana.
Special Feature
"One of the things we need, as Americans … and I can call myself American now … is to not take anything for granted," says Johnny Walker, who just become an American citizen.

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