Abortion Debate Shows How Media Deploys Language to Serve Left-Wing Goals

May 28, 2019

Good morning from Washington, where one mission for conservatives is to counter the appeal of Medicare for All. Kevin Pham deploys some eye-opening facts. Two other challenges: the media's deceptive word choices in covering abortion, explored by Jarrett Stepman, and the left's insistence that immigrants need not assimilate, exposed by Mike Gonzalez. Plus: David Harsanyi on time for liberals to put up or shut up on impeaching the president, Paul Coleman on the truth about persecution of Christians, and Monica Burke and Rachel del Guidice on what's missing from the movie "Tolkien."

Here are some of the terms now off-limits for NPR journalists: Pro-life, late-term abortion, fetal heartbeat, partial birth.
Where Canadian health care leaves significant room for private health care plans, Medicare for All would preclude a substantial amount of private coverage, leaving essentially cosmetic surgery and experimental drugs.
History didn't begin in 2016. Every modern president has asserted executive privilege.
The survival of political liberty and a political community depends on a shared culture and the habits of character that protect it.
Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., host of a podcast from the House Freedom Caucus, talks about what listeners can expect to hear about the conservative agenda in coming episodes.
For Tolkien, faith was the key to the greatest fairy-story, greater even than his masterful "Lord of the Rings." To attempt to tell his life story without it, however beautiful the film, means that "Tolkien" is fundamentally incomplete.
When people acknowledge that Jews or Muslims are persecuted for their beliefs but ignore that Christians are being persecuted for theirs, they give us a grossly inaccurate picture of reality.

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