My New Life After Transgender Despair

Feb 10, 2020

Good morning from Washington, where President Trump says health officials are closely tracking the China-based coronavirus outbreak, which has infected at least 12 persons in the U.S. and nearly 37,600 in 27 other countries.The administration is on the right track to protect Americans, Tom Spoehr writes. On the podcast, Florida's former No. 2 official recalls how she has overcome barriers of race and politics. Plus: U.K. venues sink evangelist Franklin Graham's tour, Turkey says it has Ukraine's back, and a former transgender woman celebrates renewal. On this date in 1966, consumer activist Ralph Nader testifies before Congress for the first time about unsafe automobiles.

By James Shupe

I was wrong. In hindsight, it was all part of a selfish quest to nourish my long-held sexual fantasy of being a woman—a mental disorder called autogynephilia.
By Nicole Russell

It's unsettlingly Orwellian to watch the United Kingdom muzzle ideas, traditional beliefs, and viewpoints in favor of a unified groupthink that promotes only progressive concepts.
By Virginia Allen

A role model for young people across America, Carroll is a perfect example of grit and grace.
By Brayden Helwig

On the whole, the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus outbreak has been decisive and comprehensive, and—thus far, at least—seems to be quite effective.
By Nolan Peterson

"We fully support and will support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, including Crimea," says Turkish President Recep Erdogan.
By Ken McIntyre

"If men continue to be allowed in women's sports, we might as well change all sports to 'people's tennis, people's cross country' ... etc., and set the world back to 200 years ago when no women competed in any sport," writes Joyce Matthews.

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