If France Can Reject Wokeness, So Can We

February 22 2021

Good morning from Washington, which looks and sounds woker by the day. The current French resistance to the trend on their soil is inspiring, Jarrett Stepman writes. On the podcast, an Atlanta pastor scouts a path through America's political turmoil. Plus: Scott Walker's new youth leadership role; the Justice Department's quiet agreement in an election integrity case; and Biden charms the fact-checkers. On this date in 1732, George Washington is born in Westmoreland County, Virginia; within 44 years, he will lead the Continental Army in the American Revolution on his way to becoming the new nation's first president.

If France Can Reject Wokeness, So Can We
By Jarrett Stepman

French historian Pierre-André Taguieff says the French people are exasperated by phrases such as "systemic racism'' and "white privilege," which he says are an "artificial importation" from America.
Fact-Checkers Heart Joe Biden
By David Harsanyi

Appearing at a friendly CNN town hall, President Biden drops a string of untruths on issues both large and small. But the fact-checkers don't seem worried.
How Christians Can Respond to Today's 'Crisis in America'
By Rob Bluey

Racial tensions, the ongoing pandemic, and fierce political discord have left many Americans asking how the nation can move forward in unity. Bishop Garland Hunt seeks to answer that question.
Scott Walker Takes Helm of Young America's Foundation
By Kevin Mooney

"We have to start with junior high and preteens, because that's where the left is getting its foothold," says former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.
Justice Department Won't Oppose Arizona Election Reform Before Supreme Court Hears Case
By Fred Lucas

The ban on ballot harvesting makes it a felony punishable by prison and a $150,000 fine for someone other than a person's family, caregivers, mail carriers, and election officials to collect ballots.
ICYMI: How the COVID-19 Censors Killed the Truth
By Neil Patel

SARS escaped from a Beijing lab twice in 2004. If SARS 1.0 leaked from a Chinese lab twice, why is it a conspiracy theory to question whether SARS 2.0 could have escaped from a Chinese lab?

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