Supreme Court to Determine If Customers Can Sue Businesses for ‘Emotional Distress.’ This Has Serious Implications for Religious Freedom.

November 30 2021

Good morning from Washington, where today the nation's highest court will hear a case that is fraught with consequences for Americans' religious liberty. Sarah Parshall Perry explains. The Heritage Foundation becomes one of the latest employers to sue the Biden administration over its sweeping vaccine mandate, reports Fred Lucas, who also interviews the head of a trucking company who opposes the mandate. On the podcast, an involved lawyer unpacks the landmark abortion case before the Supreme Court tomorrow. Plus: allowing noncitizens to vote, and making homeschooling a success. Forty years ago today, the U.S. and Soviet Union open what will be inconclusive talks to reduce intermediate-range nuclear arms in Europe. 

Supreme Court Will Determine If Customers Can Sue Businesses for 'Emotional Distress.' This Has Serious Implications for Religious Freedom.
By Sarah Parshall Perry

This case has colossal implications for the battle to protect religious freedom, especially as it intersects with modern interpretations of civil rights law and anti-discrimination provisions.
800,000 Foreign Citizens May Soon Vote in New York City Elections
By Deroy Murdock

Approximately 117,500 citizens of Red China would select the mayors, City Council members, district attorneys, and other officials of America's most populous municipality.
'History Is Clearly on the Pro-Life Side': ADF Counsel Erin Hawley Breaks Down Upcoming Supreme Court Abortion Case
By Mary Margaret Olohan

"If you look at an ultrasound from 1973 … you really can't see much at all. And today in contrast, we know a tremendous amount about … development of the unborn," says Hawley.
Heritage Foundation Sues Biden Administration to Stop Vaccine Mandate
By Fred Lucas

"We view this mandate as a deadly serious threat to our individual liberty and the values that make America great," says Kevin Roberts, incoming president of The Heritage Foundation.
Homeschooling Is on the Rise. Here Are 4 Tips to Do It Right.
By Eve Deborah

I can't say homeschooling is easy, but it is rewarding.
Vaccine Mandate Would Worsen Supply Chain Problem, Trucking Company CEO Says
By Fred Lucas

"We're not able to haul all of our customers' freight as it is now," says Eric Lawrence, chief executive of Minnesota-based Lawrence Transportation Co.
ICYMI: A New Way for Educators to Sneakily Indoctrinate Kids
By Betsy McCaughey

Something called social and emotional learning is the latest trend at your child's school. It sounds beneficial, but actually indoctrinates kids with extremist ideas.

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