‘Facebook Files’ Reveal Despicable Disregard for the Constitution
Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Get Tickets to RPI Washington Conference: 'Which Way America...?' ‘Facebook Files’ Reveal Despicable Disregard for the Constitution July 31 - Last week’s revelation that Facebook took orders from the Biden Administration to censor even accurate information about Covid is the latest example of the US government’s disregard for our Constitution. Thanks to Rep. Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, we now know the extent to which the Biden Administration went in its proxy war against the First Amendment. Getting the information wasn’t easy. It was only after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was threatened with being held in contempt of Congress that he relented and shared information with the Judiciary Committee about Biden Administration pressure to censor Americans on Facebook who disagreed with White House policy on Covid. What we have discovered thus far is disgusting. For example, in April ...