2 Judicial Strikes Against Efforts to Keep Trump Off Ballot

November 21 2023
2 Judicial Strikes Against Efforts to Keep Trump Off Ballot
By Hans von Spakovsky

The attempt to take away the ability of voters to make their own decisions on Trump's candidacy has been temporarily halted in two states. But there are still cases ongoing in other states.
What Iowa Voters Have to Say About 2024 Election
By Fred Lucas

"Is there anyone other than me that feels like this is Rome 476 A.D.?" asks Jay Hayward of Grinnell, Iowa.
EXCLUSIVE: For Election Integrity, Ramaswamy Urges Federal Standards
By Fred Lucas

National standards, including requiring an ID to vote and making Election Day a national holiday, are needed to ensure free and fair elections, says the Republican presidential candidate.
The Antisemitism of the University Double Standard
By Jay Greene

When Trump was elected, my university paid for faculty to take foreign students to lunch to console them. Now the university isn't treating Jewish students the same way.
The Life of Rosalynn Carter in Pictures
By Lucy Gilbert

"As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me," says former President Jimmy Carter.
'Intellectual Combat' Trumps Cancel Culture, Heritage President and Jordan Peterson Agree
By Lucy Gilbert

Political and religious conservatives must not develop a hostility to "creative conflict" and stifle public debate in the same way the Left does, says Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts.
How Humor Can Help Americans Overcome Their Political Polarization
By Rob Bluey

Rob Feld's film, "Jesters and Fools," challenges the popular media narrative that Americans are hopelessly divided. He recruited popular comedians to tell the story.
ICYMI: 'ILLEGALLY TARGETING CHURCHES': Local Government Slapped With Lawsuit Over Exorbitant Water Tap Fee
By Lucy Gilbert

"The county's water tap fee scheme is a thinly veiled illegal property tax on Grace Community Church," says Jeremy Dys, senior counsel at First Liberty Institute.

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