California Cares More About Virtue Signaling Than Alleviating Homelessness

Plus: Trump's New York Trial Has Officially Begun. Here's What's at Stake.
April 16 2024
California Cares More About Virtue Signaling Than Alleviating Homelessness
By Jarrett Stepman

Poverty programs in California increasingly appear to be pure redistribution of wealth.
Trump's New York Trial Has Officially Begun. Here's What's at Stake.
By Katelynn Richardson

"Of the four criminal cases pending against former President Trump, this one is viewed—rightly so, in my view—as the most overtly political," says The Heritage Foundation's John Malcolm.
NPR Suspends Editor Who Blew Whistle on Left-Wing Takeover of Newsroom
By Jason Cohen

NPR informs an editor, Uri Berliner, that he neglected to get the outlet's required sign-off for publishing an essay for another outlet, characterizing it as a "final warning."
Calm Before the Storm? China's Shifting Intimidation Tactics on Taiwan
By Brent Sadler, Caleb Erickson

This new quiet should not be interpreted as a de-escalation, but rather a sign of a moderated approach.
Lawmakers Must Protect Civil Rights as Louisiana Universities Hold Fast to Discrimination via DEI
By Jonathan Butcher

Louisiana lawmakers introduce a proposal to defund DEI offices in public colleges and universities and to block employees from compelling students to say things they don't believe.
K-12 Bible Lessons Program Akin to Proselytizing for 'Church of Trump,' MSNBC Host Claims
By Noah Slayter

A host on MSNBC claims that teaching students the Bible off-campus during school hours would make them a part of what she calls the "Church of Trump."
ICYMI: 'Absurd': Johnson Vows Not to Resign, as Second GOP Lawmaker Announces Support for Ouster
By Jarrett Stepman

"I am not resigning. And it is in my view an absurd notion that someone would bring a vacate motion when we are simply here trying to do our jobs," says Speaker Johnson.
ICYMI: Illegals Instructed to Vote Biden for Border NGO to 'Stay Open'
By Fred Lucas

The flyers by the organization Resource Center Matamoros say: "Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open."

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