‘Unpacking’ the Court: Why the Left Wants Sotomayor Gone

Plus: A Year After Mulvaney Partnership, How Nike Stocks Are Faring
April 17 2024
'Unpacking' the Court: Why the Left Wants Sotomayor Gone
By Peter Parisi

If ever there was proof that the Left views the Supreme Court as just another legislative body to lobby, it's their shameless efforts to pressure Justice Sonia Sotomayor to retire.
A Year After Mulvaney Partnership, How Nike Stocks Are Faring
By Suzanne Bowdey

While Bud Light hogged most of the spotlight with its historic collapse, the devastation of Nike's trans advocacy is real.
Supreme Court Justices Appear Skeptical of Biden DOJ's Broad Use of Statute to Charge Jan. 6 Defendants
By Katelynn Richardson

Justice Clarence Thomas asks when the government has applied a statute used to charge Jan. 6 protesters to other protests in the past.
Think Tanks, Political Groups, and Activists Join Forces to Amplify School Choice Efforts in Virginia
By Noah Slayter

A coalition of parents' rights activists reignite the fight for school choice for Virginia's families, with the help of The Heritage Foundation.
Bike Lanes Are a Good Idea, but Not Where They Endanger Cyclists
By Diana Furchtgott-Roth

City officials harm cyclists when they approve bike lanes for unsafe areas, such as on truck routes or those regularly used by emergency vehicles.
ICYMI: California School System Sued Over Falsified History About Israel-Hamas War
By Tony Kinnett

A California public school district that attempted to hide pro-Hamas course material from parents now faces legal action.

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