Deadline Tonight

Dear Fellow Patriot,

Tonight is your deadline to join the Leaders Club.

Your generous monthly support will defend your American values in this crucial year for our country.

I've been blown away by the response so far, but we still need 63 individuals to step up and join us. Will you be one of those generous leaders?

You'll train patriots to staff the next administration and educate Americans all year long on why conservative ideas are best – ensuring the America you and I love survives.

Please join the Heritage Leaders Club using this secure link:

If you donate before tonight's deadline with a monthly gift of $10 or more, you'll also get a free pocket Constitution. But you must act now.

This year, we have the rescue plan to save America. You can ensure it succeeds by joining The Heritage Foundation Leaders Club before midnight using the secure link below.

Thank you for doing your part to save our great nation.


Kevin D. Roberts, Ph.D.
President, The Heritage Foundation

P.S. To help save our country this year, join the Heritage Leaders Club before midnight tonight:

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843

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