Get Your Free Election Fraud eBook

Fellow Conservative,

Every day there is a story in the news about election fraud. Most of them are from the leftists in the media telling you election fraud doesn't exist. And they continue to lie to you.

In response to the spread of these lies, The Heritage Foundation created the Election Fraud Database. This database contains 1,500 proven instances of election fraud across the country.

To help you navigate difficult conversations surrounding election fraud, The Heritage Foundation has compiled five cases from this database. We put them together in this latest FREE eBook titled: 5 Shocking Cases of Election Fraud.

In the eBook, you'll read about:

  • Different illegal schemes people used to get their candidate elected
  • The steps our government took to correct the elections
  • The criminal consequences people face for their illegal actions

I hope you use these stories to educate yourself on the destructive impact of election fraud and spread the word to help safeguard our country's republic.

We need patriots like you to speak up.

To get your free copy of 5 Shocking Cases of Election Fraud today, please click this secure link:

Thank you for being involved in the fight to uphold the conservative principles that make our nation great.

All the best,

Kevin D. Roberts, Ph.D.
President, The Heritage Foundation

P.S. You can read more about election fraud in this FREE eBook using this secure link:

The Heritage Foundation

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