Don’t let America slip away

Dear Fellow Conservative,

So much is at stake this year.

This year will decide whether or not America will remain America.

If the radical Left's agenda succeeds, that means the end of borders, increased out-of-control spending, higher crime, lawlessness, more indoctrinated children, and deteriorating communities.

It means increasing military threats from China, Iran, and Russia thanks to leftist policies that embolden our enemies and make America weak.

We could also lose the founding principles you and I hold so dear.

This is the cost of inaction for America. The cost of not standing up when your conscious calls you.

Today you can save our country by activating your membership and supporting The Heritage Foundation's President's Challenge campaign.

A group of generous Heritage members who recognize the costs of inaction this year have pledged to match your gift to this campaign, dollar for dollar.

Since you gave to our match campaign last year, I don't want you to miss out on this chance to maximize your impact in the fight to save America.

This powerful incentive makes this campaign your best opportunity to make a difference for America. But you must act before the July 31 deadline.

Your gift today will help educate as many Americans as possible in key states on why conservative policy solutions are best for America's future.

And your gift will train thousands of patriots that would be available to serve in the next presidential administration through our Project 2025 initiative. These leaders will dismantle the deep state – Washington's fourth branch of government – and implement policy solutions that will reverse course.

Your doubled impact today will double the power of these initiatives. That's double the Americans persuaded and double the leaders trained.

You're the key to ensuring America doesn't fall to the radical Left. That America remains the shining city upon a hill.

Please activate your membership by making your President's Challenge gift today using the secure link below.

Thank you for fulfilling this critical duty to our country.


Tony Johnson
Director of Membership

P.S. Don't let America fall. Activate your Heritage Foundation membership today by joining the President's Challenge to help save our country from the Left's agenda:

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843

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