The kids are not alright

Dear Fellow Patriot,

American children are in trouble.

The radical Left has infiltrated America's core institutions, especially schools and universities.

From the minute American children enter our schools, they are overwhelmed with leftist ideas like transgenderism and critical race theory. 

An if they aren't fully indoctrinated by the time they graduate high school, college professors and administrators finish the job by pumping their brains with intellectually childish lies about American history and denying basic facts like men can't be women.

This toxic leftist indoctrination is what created the shocking protests across America's elite universities this year.

We must take back control of American education from these Marxists who want to destroy our country.

Your support today – matched dollar for dollar thanks to a group of generous Heritage members – will help SAVE American education.

You will help promote universal school choice in states across the country so parents can protect their children from the radical Left.

You will help eradicate leftist indoctrination like critical race theory and transgender ideology from public schools.

And with your support, we will not stop until the good-for-nothing, left-wing Department of Education is abolished.

Your membership gift today will save American education. Without your action today, the next generation of children will suffer under leftist indoctrination and destroy our country.

So please activate your membership today using the secure link below.

Your decision to give today will determine whether future generations of American children grow up as America-loving patriots or vicious Marxist ideologues.

Please activate your membership today and DOUBLE your impact during our President's Challenge:

Thank you for your support.


Kevin D. Roberts, Ph.D.
President, The Heritage Foundation

P.S. America's children need a champion who will save them from leftist indoctrination. You can be that champion today by activating your Heritage Foundation membership with your President's Challenge gift today using this secure link:

The Heritage Foundation

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